Promotion & Habilitation
The Department of Baltic Studies was actively involved in the IRTG Baltic Borderlands.
Alina Baravykaitė
“Sprachliche Interferenz in der Filmübersetzung. Der Einfluss des Englischen, Deutschen, Russischen und Polnischen auf das Litauische”
[Linguistic interference in film translation. How Lithuanian is influenced by English, German, Russian and Polish.]
Lana Lanina
“Crossing Mental, Spiritual and Cultural Borders Around the Baltic Republics and former USSR”
Krista Anna Zalāne
“Designing Peripeties: Storytelling about Revolutions and Revolutions in Storytelling”
Džordana Graicevičiūtė
“Indexing Gender am Beispiel von Online-Kommentaren zu litauischen Politikerinnen” [Indexing Gender Based on Examples of Online Comments on Female Politicians from Lithuania]
Kaspars Zalāns
“Conservative and Liberal Thought in Latvian Youth Ages 16–21: A Survey Study”